About Pavel

Pavel Chichikov is the pen name of a writer and photographer who lives in a small town in central Pennsylvania. He has written for Catholic media and also for the secular press on such issues as Soviet nuclear weapons systems and Soviet environmental problems. His books include So Tell Us, Christ (Grey Owl Press, 2015), A House Rejoicing (Grey Owl Press, 2012), From Here to Babylon (Grey Owl Press, 2010), Mysteries and Stations in the Manner of Ignatius (Kaufmann Publishing, 2005), and Lion Sun: Poems by Pavel Chichikov (Grey Owl Press, 1999).

His work from 1993 to date is archived electronically and in print at the library of Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida, along with newspaper clippings, published books, recorded readings, and personal papers.

His poetry is presented every week on his Website: www.pavelspoetry.com. His poems about the Spanish painter Francisco Goya can be seen at: www.homagetogoya.com.